Forests are an intricate ecosystem on earth which contains trees, shrubs, grasses etc_ The constituents of forests which are trees and plants form a major part of the forests. Furthermore, they create a healthy environment so that various species of animals can breed and live there happily. Forests are a habitat for a plethora of wild animals and birds. In addition to being of use to wildlife, forests benefit mankind greatly and hold immense significance.
Forests cover a significant area of the earth. They are a great natural asset to any region and hold immense value. They also provide a home to more than half of an species found on land – a rich variety of life that keeps so many natural systems running.
I am happy that like previous years, Department of Forests & Wildlife, Chandigarh Administration has formulated the Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2022-23, which includes specific plantation targets and strategies for successful implementation of the green plan to further improve the greenery in our city. A significant pare of our city is under Greer’ Cover and I appreciate the persistent endeavor of the residents of Chandigarh, NGOs, Schools/Colleges & Greening Chandigarh Task Group for contributing towards greening of the city beautiful. I extend my best wishes and heartiest congratulations to all the participants of the `Greening Chandigarh Campaign’ and wish them success in their endeavour,
Forests help in maintaining the oxygen and temperature levels of the atmosphere. Thus, they help by playing a significant role in bala.ncing the oxygen level of the enure atmosphere. The soil surrounding the roots of the trees avoid soil erosion and increase the water holding capacity. Forests are homie to rich and varied wildlife. They form a crucial part of natural parks, biosphere reserves and wildlife sanctuaries.
The preparation of the “Greening Chandigarh Action Plan” is an attempt to combine the interests and concerns of all sections of urban community into an overall planned, integrated and a systematic strategy for better management of Urban forestry to make the City beautiful even more beautiful. I appreciate the endeavour of all the Greening Agencies, Non-Government Organizations and all other stakeholders in successfully achieving the targets fixed during previous years and as a result. Chandigarh has recorded a substantial jump in forest & green cover in last two years as reported by Forest Survey of India, Dehradun in the recently released India State of Forest Report (ISFR), 2021.
I am happy to note that Greening Chandigarh Task Group led by Department of Forests & Wildlife, UT Chandigarh have formulated the ‘Greening Chandigarh Action Plan: for me year 2022-23. I am sure this year too, the planned and strategic targets fixed in the action plan will further contribute to the greenery of the City Beautiful.
I extend my best wishes to all greening agencies for their laudable efforts.
Forests are nature’s precious gift to mankind. They existed even before the evolution of man. Forests play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. They provide us with a large number of forest products. Forests are the habitat of a large number of plant and animal species_ Agricultural production depends on a stable environment.
Forests are vital to the maintenance of a stable environment. They act as a natural defense against floods and soil erosion. It is the duty of every citizen to plant more and more trees and contribute to forest conservation. The continuous engagement of the Department with all important stakeholders like NGOS, Resident Welfare Associations, Eco Clubs, Environmental Societies and involvement of media has played a crucial role not only in protection of the forest but also resulted in further increasing Green Cover of the UT Chandigarh.
I congratulate the ‘Greening Chandigarh Task Group’ led by Department of Forests & Wildlife, Chan dig art for bringing out a comprehensive Greening Action Plan for 2022-23 highlighting the plantation targets and strategy to further enhance the greenery of Chandigarh.
Forests are an indispensable part of the earth’s ecological system. They regulate temperature and attract rains. They stop soil erosion and maintain the fertility of the soil. Forests provide us with a large number of essential products such as timber, fuelwood, medicinal plants, fruits, flowers, etc. Forests are the habitat for a large number of plant and animal species, They contribute significantly to the country’s biological diversity and also important for the sustenance of wildlife. They play an important role in the food chain.
In a recent report of India State of Forest Report (ISFR), 2021 shows that the Green Cover of UT Chandigarh has increased to more than 50%. The total increase in Green Area In UT Chandigarh in last two years is 4.25% which is a remarkable achievement.
I am happy lo note that ‘Greening Chandigarh Task Group’, like previous years, have come out with the “Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2022-23′. l am sure that planned & strategic target fixed in the Greening Drive will significantly contribute to the greenery of the City Beautiful, making it more green and beautiful. The efforts made by all Greening Agencies, N6C1s, Educational Institutions, RWAS and especially the green loving citizens of Chandigarh in the successful implementation of ‘Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2021-22’ are commendable.
I extend my best wishes to all Greening Agencies and the .stakeholders for a successful implementation of ‘Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2022-23’ to Achieve the desired output and con serve these invaluable natural resources for posterity.
Forests are blessings for all forms of life on this planet be it humans, animals and birds. Earth is the only planet to inhabit such a diverse variety of the same all across the globe. These forests are beneficial far umpteen reasons be it medicines, food, shelter for mankind, tertiary needs of society and primary source for industries. The survival of humankind on this planet is closely linked to well-being of forests. Forests are a home to varieties of flora and fauna thawing in vast spaces. Forests are Intertwined to basic survival of human on the planet be It maintaining the groundwater, temperature of the cities, good quality of air etc. Forests have an unsaid symbiotic relationship with its flora and fauna and which in turn has diversity in the ecosystem. The importance of forests is of paramount for human and its living.
I congratulate the ‘Greening Chandigarh Task Group Team’ for bringing out a comprehensive Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2022-23 highlighting the plantation targets and strategy to further enhance the green cover of Chandigarh. I am sure this year also the planned and strategic targets fixed in the greening action plan will significantly contribute to the greenery of the City Beautiful. I congratulate all stakeholders for effective implementation of Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2021-22 which has led to Green Cover of over 50% in Chandigarh at present.
I convey my best wishes to the local residents, Greening Chandigarh Task Group and all other stakeholders for successful implementation of ‘Greening Chandigarh Action Plan 2022-23’
The greening is an integral part of urban planning in UT Chandigarh, The ‘Greening Chandigarh Task Group’ constituted by Chandigarh Administration formulates Greening Chandigarh Action Plan (GCAP) to chalk out planning of plantation works comprehensively, its implementation, monitoring and to look into all aspects of Silvicultural and Horticultural operations. Due to sustained and sincere efforts of all the greening agencies and other stakeholders, the Greenery 01 City Beautiful has increased significantly and it has crossed 50% for the first time of geographical area.
Encouraged by the positive results, the Greening Chandigarh Task Group(GCTG) has prepared “Greening Chandigarh Anon Plan 2022-23”. The plan comprises of plantation targets of greening departments/agencies and the strategies to achieve the desired results. During the year 2022-23. total 2,80.000 number of saplings will be planted in a phase-wise manner on the Government and Private land, Apart from other valuable information which Action Plan sumrriari2es, a list of trees/ shrubs has been recommended which are suitable tor plantation under various conditions. This information will be useful in sensitizing the masses and in raising awareness for the protection and conservation of nature and natural resources in general and trees in particular.
I am extremely indebted to Sh. Banwarilal Purohit, Honble Governor of Punjab and the Administrator, UT Chandigarh for his consistent guidance and encouragement for prepraing this comprehensive Action Plan. His concern for the people and environment of Chandigarh has been a constant Source of inspiration to all of us. I am also indebted to Sh. Dharam Pal, IAS, Adviser to the Administrator for his valuable suggestions, input and guidance for preparation of this Action Plan_ I express my sincere and heartiest gratitude to Sh. Nitin Kumar Yadav, IAS, Home Secretary (Forests and Wildlife), Chandigarh Administration for the immense support all along and guidance in materializing this crucial plan for conserving and raising greenery of city beautiful.