AGATHIS ROBUSTA (C. Moore ex F. Muell.) F.M. Bailey


Division Gymnosperms Agathis robusta -Male copy
Class Coniferopsida
Order Coniferales
Family Araucariaceae
Genus Agathis
Species robusta
Etymology: Derived from the Greek word Agathis a ball of twine, since the overlapping 

scales on the cone look like rolled up threads.

Botanical name: Agathis robusta (C. Moore ex F. Muell.) F.M. Bailey
Local/Trade names: Queensland Kauri
Conservation status: Cultivated in many parts of India. Some majestic 

trees are in Bunglow No.9 of Forest Research

Institute, Dehra Dun.

Description: Leaves leathery, glossy, parallel veined. large evergreen stately tree, 40-50 mtall with a girth of 4 m, with a straight pillar-like trunk, free from branchesfor the greater part of its height. Bark thick grayish, scaly. Leaves leathery,ovate or elliptical, 5-12 x 2-4 cm, glossy green with parallel veins. Malecone cylindrical, 5-10 x 1.2 cm. Female cone sub-globose or ovoid, 10-12.5 x 7.5-10 cm.
Distribution: Queensland, Australia, from sea level to 800 m.
Where to see it: Pinetum
Uses: Excellent timber for general joinery. Wood suitable for 

manufacture of writing, printing, and wrapping papers, also for viscose

rayon. Yields an oleoresin, used in adhesives, paints, polishes, inks, and
